[AQUARIUM SIZE]W: 77 x D: 39 x H: 40 (cm)
[WATER PLANTS]cryptocoryne, baby tears, blyxa japonice, spiky moss, taiwan moss, vallisneria nana, green rotala, cabomba, pistia stratiotes, hygrophila difformis, pelia.
[FISH]guppies, black molies, sword tails, tiger barbs, siamese algae eaters, black neon tetras, noen tetras, red eye dwarf (malabar) puffer fish.
[SUBSTRATE]sand from water fall.
[FILTER]box filter.
[LIGHT]T4 20watt.
1248. Loh Tuck Wai (nano tank)
[AQUARIUM SIZE]W: 34 x D: 22 x H: 28 (cm)
[WATER PLANTS]Spiky Moss, Vallisneria Nana, Hemianthus Callitrichoides, Micranthemum Umbrosum.
[FISH]Neon Tetra, Apple Snail, Black Molly, Otocinculus Catfish.
[SUBSTRATE]Sand and gravel.
[FILTER]Dolphin Hang-on Back Power Filter.
[LIGHT]2U bulb 14watt, 67000K.
So did you win anything? And why the hell are you so lazy to comment on my blog?
won nothing...just have a certificate like that...
i was no access to internet last few days ago la...
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