Tuesday, November 10, 2009

New Deco in Betta Tank...

Added in some anubias tide on the driftwood...
some river stone...
few dwarf Riccia...
Hope he found it more like home...even though I think he never know how his home look like in natural...cos he breed inside a glass jar...

Monday, November 9, 2009

Betta...oh Betta

Just got nothing to do...
snap some photo of my Betta, under its new lighting...
tomorrow will add in some deco and life plant into his tank...

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

War You Get Shadow...

My problem is I lack of lighting...I never text massage Lord Shadow that mine Betta is more prettier than his...I just told him I got my own Betta only...and now he declare war on me...

My 1st Betta...half moon

Half Moon
Betta Tank
One package Tank+Betta Half Moon+Betta Food+Betta water treatment+Betta Relaxing treatment= RM41.90

Been provoke by my dear Dark Load Shadow, I brought the Betta Half Moon from a local fish shop near by...spotted some Tiger Stripe Shrimp...will go buy it for my another shrimp tank...to expand the gene poll inside that shrimp tank...