Wednesday, August 26, 2009

"District 9 is hands down the best film of the summer and has made me love movies all over again.."

A Word:

This is the first movie in years which I walked into almost completely oblivious to what I was about to see. Moments ago, I watched the trailers for the first time. While they don’t reveal a whole lot, they do reveal a couple moments that are spoiler. Even with that, this film will blow your mind.

The Plot:

I don’t want to tell you anything about this movie or the plot. This is one of those times where you just have to go see the film ASAP. If you ignore my advice, I promise you that you will be hearing it from every person around you whether you want to or not. It will still rock your world. There are aliens. There are humans. It is not what you think it is. The less you know, the better.

The Good:

  • Neill Blomkamp: The visual effects master jumped into the director’s chair and has created something wonderfully fresh in District 9.
  • The Script: Terri Tatchell and Blomkamp’s screenplay is so masterfully crafted, it is hard to point out one thing that makes it remarkable. The characters they create and the journey they take you on will leave you begging for more by the end of the film.
  • The Acting: The lead, played by Sharlto Copley, is an unknown actor who arrives on the scene and takes the film to an entirely new level. I don’t know how any other actor could have done what he did in this film. It seems like I’m cheating on him when I try to imagine another actor in his role. Must… be… loyal…
  • Cinematography: A good portion of the film is shot in a documentary style. But not the annoying kind. The fluid kind that does not take away from the flow of the film. We weave in and out of “doc mode” and “film mode” so seamlessly, it could sneak out and take your car right in front of your eyes.
  • Action/Visual Effects: The film will test your patience. But that makes the nectar all the more tasty when you taste it.

  • The Bad:
  • Nothing: I honestly cannot think of something that did not work for me.

  • Overall:

This is the best Sci-Fi movie to come out in years.

Rating: 10/10

Monday, August 24, 2009

Six Degrees of Separation

Six degrees of separation (also referred to as the "Human Web") refers to the idea that, if a person is one step away from each person they know and two steps away from each person who is known by one of the people they know, then everyone is at most six steps away from any other person on Earth. It was popularized by a play written by John Guare.


A Facebook platform application named “Six Degrees” has been developed by Karl Bunyan (London network), which calculates the degrees of separation between different people. It has about 5.2 million users (as of July 31, 2009), as seen from the group's page. The average separation for all users of the application is 5.73 degrees, whereas the maximum degree of separation is 12. The application has a "Search for Connections" window to input any name of a Facebook user, to which it then shows the chain of connections. As of July 26, 2009, the application is no longer available.

Sony Ericsson XPERIA X1

Should I get a hold on this SE 1st PDA phone? AP set for RM1.4k...

There's a lot to fall for in Sony Ericsson XPERIA X1. Possibly the hottest looker of a PocketPC is also heavy on skill. Heavy enough to not just scratch out a living as a one-hit-wonder but aim for the WinMo top.

The extra solid metal looks, gorgeous screen and the right pinch of novelty called XPERIA panels look to us as good enough reasons for the X1 to be hyped and romanticized. By the way, romance or not, Sony Ericsson and HTC have hit their perfect shape with that one.

The XPERIA X1 is surely the most eagerly anticipated device in the world of Windows Mobile. Getting our review out was surely quite a wait too, we know. Better late than ever, as some folks say. We'll still have our say 'cause for the XPERIA it's a load of high expectations to live up to.

Key features:

  • Quad-band GSM/GPRS/EDGE support plus HSDPA 7.2Mbps
  • 3-inch 65K-color WVGA touchscreen
  • Qualcomm MSM7200 528 Mhz CPU and 256 MB DDR SDRAM
  • 3.15 MP auto focus camera with VGA video recording
  • Four-row full QWERTY slide-out keyboard
  • Wi-Fi and built-in GPS receiver with A-GPS
  • X-Panels interface
  • Optical trackpad
  • Exquisite and solid metallic body
  • Standard miniUSB port and Bluetooth v2.0 with A2DP
  • microSD memory expansion
  • FM radio with RDS
  • 3.5mm standard audio jack
  • MS Office Mobile document editor
  • Opera 9.5 web browser
  • Excellent video playback performance
  • Superb audio quality

Main disadvantages:

  • Body is a bit on the bulky side
  • User interface is hardly thumb-optimized
  • Mediocre camera performance
  • No built-in accelerometer
  • Poor display sunlight legibility
  • Records low quality VGA@30fps video in 3GP format
  • No TV-out port
  • No full Flash support for the browser (hence no full-featured YouTube)


他回家穿上後,卻發覺長度多了 十公分 。
於是,起來替兒子改長褲,剪短了 十公分 。
「老公平時很有耐心,! 今天他是不會縫針線才開口要求,總不好拒絕他。」
於是替先生改長褲,剪短了 十公分 。
於是替爸爸改長褲,剪短了 十公分 。
但面對自己! 最親近的家人,






地球上住著很多人, 有些人我们认识,有些人我们不认识,

『有几个共同朋友』 『要不要加为好友』

熟悉了,亲密了, 然后,等到爱情终结了,


真的是这样吗? 穿梭在人群中的你 我 他 没有人能预知,我们明天 还会遇见 谁。

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Sony PlayStation 3 on diet....

Saw the news in my friend's blog regarding this...don't know how true is it...

Sony going to launch a slim version of PlayStation 3 on September and price at USD299.
The Sony PlayStation 3 Slim CECH-2000A features 120GB HDD and will come with PS3 firmware 3.0 version.
USD299 = MYR1050

drooling already...

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

The International Aquatic Plants Layout Contest 2009 result

1210. Tenchi Loh (2.5feet tank)
[AQUARIUM SIZE]W: 77 x D: 39 x H: 40 (cm)
[WATER PLANTS]cryptocoryne, baby tears, blyxa japonice, spiky moss, taiwan moss, vallisneria nana, green rotala, cabomba, pistia stratiotes, hygrophila difformis, pelia.
[FISH]guppies, black molies, sword tails, tiger barbs, siamese algae eaters, black neon tetras, noen tetras, red eye dwarf (malabar) puffer fish.
[SUBSTRATE]sand from water fall.
[FILTER]box filter.
[LIGHT]T4 20watt.

1248. Loh Tuck Wai (nano tank)
[AQUARIUM SIZE]W: 34 x D: 22 x H: 28 (cm)
[WATER PLANTS]Spiky Moss, Vallisneria Nana, Hemianthus Callitrichoides, Micranthemum Umbrosum.
[FISH]Neon Tetra, Apple Snail, Black Molly, Otocinculus Catfish.
[SUBSTRATE]Sand and gravel.
[FILTER]Dolphin Hang-on Back Power Filter.
[LIGHT]2U bulb 14watt, 67000K.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Raining cat and dog...

Last few days I see few people using this I go search for it...why is call Raining cat and dog...

Rain Cats and Dogs

This phrase's origin is unknown. Possible explanations include: The archaic French cantaloupe is a waterfall or cataract, lightning and thunder sounds like that of a cat/dog fight, cats had a big influence on the weather, and the sky dog Odin was attended to by wolves according to Norse Mythology.

Another theory is that in old England, they had hay roofs on their houses and the cats and dogs would sleep on the roof. When it rained, the roofs got slippery and the cats and dogs would slide off of the roofs. There for it was "Raining Cats and Dogs".

This from a website visitor:
"raining cats and dogs" came from the middle ages, when houses had thatched roofs. To keep warm lots of animals would hide in the roofs when it was raining and sometimes fell through the flimsy roofs on to the streets below.

This from another website visitor:
I do believe the idiom "Rain Cats and Dogs" stems from the Norse Mythology. Cats were believed to represent the wind and dogs represented rain. Different animals represented different weather and natural phenomenon

This from another website visitor:
For the Idiom "Rain Cats and Dogs" I have heard one other explanation. In old England when peoples cats and dogs died they would simply through them into the gutter or alley with the garbage. If a strong enough rain came through it would flood the gutters and alleys to the point where all the dead cats and dogs would begin to float down the streets. Therefore very harsh rains were associated with cats and dogs.

Monday, August 3, 2009


台湾一位女作家说过:“好妻子会让你觉得婚姻美满愉悦;而苛薄胡闹的恶妻,则会使你变成有口才、有耐心、有智慧兼反应力佳的伟人,所以,千万别动手把这天赐的宝贝给打跑哟 ……”


    据心理学家分析,购物有瘾多半是对某方面不满而引发的补偿行为,或感情落寞,心灵空虚 ,以购物来逃避现实,获得快感。找出她郁闷的症结,拿出一些时间来陪她,鼓励她去学电脑,学烹饪,插花,茶道之类。逛街是闲人的事,她已忙得不亦乐乎,自 然无暇从事逛街大业。面对不逛街勿宁死的太太,你的钱包无疑是她的大敌,不如采取化整为零法,把每月工资的大部分用去分期购房买车,炒股票搞投资,所剩不 多的钱只能让太太无力“血拼”。   
   最后别忘了爱可以融化一切,包括太太的购物瘾。多关怀呵护她,肯定她,重温热恋时的情怀,看看老电影,郊外兜兜风,切记一定要远离购物危险区。虽然,陪老 婆逛街是件比醉酒还头痛的折磨,但好在太太把挑剔用在了购物上,如果她们把这心思用来挑男人,老天,你一辈子只能做“钻石王老五”了。
  婚恋专家告诫我们,男人,都希望做女人的第一个男人;女人,都想当男人的最后一个女人 。女人虽然想做男人的“感情终结者”,然而矛盾的是,她们会像考古学家一样好奇,对男人过去的罗曼史永远有着难以言喻的挖掘兴趣。 当太太柔情细语地说:“亲爱的,我不希望我们之间有任何秘密”时,你千万不要上当,聪明的男人绝不会轻易向女人的“度量”挑战 。如果你一时心软,招供了某段旧恋情,那么,你很快就会知道,坦白过去其实是和自己过不去,女人不仅会演绎想像,而且会过耳不忘。当然“打死不招”只适用 于太太对你以往一无所知的,假使她对你以前的恋情略有所闻,或你和旧情人的合影情书惨被查获,避重就轻,淡化处理,才能保你全身而退。   
   此外,让女人消除敌意的最佳方法就是口是心非,贬低诽谤她的“情敌”。倘使你实在无法如此 “昧着良心”,那么,多运用点想像力吧,把过去想成不堪回味,把老婆想成你最崇拜的偶像,直到连你都认为这就是事实。   
  男人有时会想不通,婚前那么善解人意的女人,为什么婚后却给自己带来与狼共舞的感觉? 记住文学家王尔德的名言:“女人是被爱,不是被了解的。”所以和太太不要讲理,只要蜜语。当她捕风捉影怀疑你有外遇时,别去解释澄清,那样只会愈描愈黑, 倒不如摆出心灵严重受伤的模样:“你怎样才能相信我?亲爱的,只有你才是我生命里的一切。”也许连你自己都觉得肉麻,但偏偏大多数老婆都吃这套。   
  当她无理取闹时,你要谨记下面的原则:她气得跑出去,你要紧随其后,并要在车水马龙的地方护住她。万一她把你赶出去,你不妨到茶馆棋室泡半天,乐得清静, 等她气消了再回去忏悔。当你忘了结婚纪念日或她的生日,你要使劲捶自己的头:“太不可原谅了!”无论你怎么夸张, 她都不会反感。当然你也不妨这样安慰自己:良妻,让男人太安逸容易失败, 而“辣”妻则让男人热衷于更伟大的事物,如苏格拉底、托尔斯泰、莫扎特等等。所以当你变得有口才,有耐心,有智慧时,你会觉得上帝永远是最公平的。   
   ·只要能和你在一起,什么事情 都不再重要,我也不怕付出任何代价。 ……   
   记住,男人学会了这些情话, 就会成为战无不胜的情感“杀手”。