Sunday, April 25, 2010

Nano Make Over...

This is the end result

New mini canister filter

Rain bar...

Mini surface skimmer

GEX soil


Thursday, April 22, 2010

Rescrap the Nano Tank soon...

Buy the mini canister filter with flow rate 360L/Hr and Mini surface skimmer to replace the current HOB a piece of small driftwood

Fertilizer using Seachem Flourish Excel and JBL Ferropol...

For soil i will be using this brand...GEX soil for waterplant....


How can one smile such sweet smiles,
When one is so saddened by sorrows for miles,
How can I smile the same smiles,
When life brings me nothing but tears,
I wondered for so long,
What reason you had to smile that long,
To keep smiling though troubles come,
And still remain sweet and silently overcome,
It's such a mystery to me,
Your smiles from heaven with glee,
I adore and yet envy thee,
But I'd rather you smile those at me,
I feel happy when I see you smile,
Even if I'm sad and lonely,
Your smiles bring me somewhere,
I don't even know where,
But it was you,
You gave me the reason to smile,
To smile with no reason,
To smile for a smile,
I guess life is just like that,
We need not a reason to smile,
For a smile is the reason itself,
To rejoice and open-heartedly give thanks,
I learned to smile because of you,
Because your smiles bring me joy when blue,
It proves how well and powerful,
A simple sweet smile can become so beautiful,
Smile for the sake of a smile,
Smile for the sake of happiness,
Smile for the sake of life,
Smile because of hope left in life,
Smile my friends,
Smile for me my Love,
Smile those same sweet smiles,

Smile so the world can be a peaceful dove...

Monday, April 19, 2010


Lately got listening to these 2 artists CD...

Of cos I didn't went to buy the CD...just download from the net...wahaha...cyberspace so great!!

Olivia Ong (オリビア・オング Olivia Ong, born October 2, 1985) is a Chinese Singaporean singer. She sings mostly in English but developed her career singing in English and, later, Japanese. In addition, she has also released rare tracks, recorded in Mandarin Chinese, which can be found on limited edition album tracklistings.

About Bevlyn Khoo :

Music is her passion and serves as one of the main driving forces in her life.

Bevlyn‘s active involvement with music took root at the age of five when she was found drumming her fingers happily on the piano’s keys by her dad who promptly signed her up for organ lessons thereafter.

Bevlyn is signed and managed by S2S Pte Ltd. Her first full-length album “You Are My Angel” is now available at all major record stores in Singapore from April 09...

Air Con is important when driving....

Last week my car air conditioning is broken down...

So I need to travel around under the hot weather reaching 33 degree Celsius...that is a torturing...

I already expected this monster above is broken...cos the foreman had told me last year when I send my car for service...

After check...the old compressor is leaking gas cos the air conditioning failure...

After changing to this Nippon Denso Compressor...which cost me RM606 including changing some piping that wear and tear...

Now is cold like cucumber inside my car...

Change to a new compressor had made my car idle RPM run got jerking while in idle...

After adjusting the number 1 nut for idle RPM before on air con and number 2 nut for RPM after on air con...

Still not very satisfy with the week go find the uncle tune for me...

Hey, where is your entry??

This is the scolding i get from a push me to do some entry in my blog...

Not that I don't want...writing in English is hard for me know my English standard...

Some more no people come to my blog to look see also...

I will try my best lah...patient...Taurus people actually is lazy character one...wahaha